BANGALROE, Karnataka 560027
Hora actual en ese Lugar
BANGALROE, Karnataka 560027
Hora actual en ese Lugar
Francis Klein & Company was established in 1928 as a leading importer in Kolkata. in the early forties the company sarted activities in Machine too, importing from germany, Switzerland and USA. due to india's histroical German adn Swiss Machine tools was a challenging task performed successfully over the years by the company. in 1968, the company was acqured by the Family of Mr. G.C Agrawal and since then the company has made rapid progress. the company is enaged primarily in marketing and servicing of some of the most sophisticated and reputed high precision specialized machine tools from Germany, Switwerland, USA and other countries, subsequently the company has set up several joint venture companies in India to provde sate of the art technology. we have branches in all mahor cities of the country with extensive customer support.
TO be a diversified global firm that provides completed business solutions, leveraging technology.
To be a leader in ghigh technology machine tool industry, most admired by our customers and employees and to
The Export Manager,
Dear Sir,
We Francisklein is one of the leading company in India representing various reputed European machine tool manufacturers particularly Swiss, Germany, UK and USA and Japan etc., over many decades and serving all kinds of Indian Industry including Ordinance Factories.
We also have JV in Bangalore with Nagel Germany, Liebherr Germany to manufacturer Honing/Deep hole drilling/Superfinishing/Sobbing and Shaping Machines.
We have branch offices across India in all metros cities, including tier2 cities with qualified sales and service engineers to promote and take care of after sales service. Our company is well recognized in the industry in view of our niche product line and the service support that we offer.
We have very good rapport with Ordinance Factories over the decades having supplied various machines from our range. Even today as well and also machines from our JV companies from Bangalore.
We are pleased with Hanwha Sliding Head CNC Lathes , having mentioned that your machines are of Swiss quality in on your add in one of Machinery Market Magazine.
Indian Ordinance Factories are requiring Sliding Head CNC Lathes times to times and other Automotive industries as well etc.,
As mentioned before, we have good rapport/connection with these Ordnance Factories and Automotive industries . In the past we have number of Swiss made Sliding Head Automats to the above mentioned industries , including Watch Industries.
If you are interested to work with us on case to case basis or exclusive basis, please let us know and accordingly pl. arrange to send your Standard offer marking up with 15 % as Agency commission to us and 15 % for customer negotiation on your selling price .
You may please also send some brochures hard and soft copies and Power point presentation on your product.
- Especialidades de su Compañía
- Distribuidor/Importador/Agente de Maquinaria Nueva
- Marcas que Manejamos
- Tipos
- Accesorios para Engranes
- Boquillas
- Brocas
- Brocas de Carburo
- Bruñidoras
- Centros de Maquinado Verticales, (5-Ejes o Más)
- Conformadoras de Engranes
- Cortadoras Láser
- Cortadoras, Afiladoras de Engranes
- Electroerosionadoras Tipo Pistón, Inmersión
- Electroerosionadoras de Hilo (Alambre)
- Electroerosionadoras para Elaboración de Agujeros
- Equipos para Super Acabado
- Mandrinadoras Verticales (Incluyendo VTL)
- Máquinas para Inspección
- Máquinas para Medición
- Máquinas para Preajuste de Herramientas
- Mesas Rotatorias
- Prensas Enderezadoras
- Prensas Hidráulicas
- Prensas Manuales (de Rótula) Neumáticas
- Prensas de Tornillo
- Prensas para Embutido
- Prensas para Forja
- Prensas para Producción a Alta Velocidad
- Probadores de Dureza
- Probadores de Engranes
- Probadores de Tensión y Compresión
- Pulidoras de Engranes
- Rectificadoras Cilíndricas (Incl Cabezal Plano y Angular)
- Rectificadoras Cilíndricas Universales
- Rectificadoras Rotatorias de Superficies
- Rectificadoras Sin Centro
- Rectificadoras de Árboles de Levas
- Rectificadoras de Cigueñales
- Rectificadoras de Corte Pleno
- Rectificadoras de Engranes
- Rectificadoras de Interiores
- Rectificadoras de Perfiles
- Rectificadoras de Roscas
- Rectificadoras de Superficies, Recip.
- Rectificadoras para Herramientas y Cortadoras
- Remachadoras
- Remachadoras Radiales u Orbitales
- Rodillos para Formar Aros
- Rodillos para Roscar
- Roladoras para Ranuras
- Taladros Revólver
- Taladros de Orificio Profundo
- Talladoras de Engranes
- Tornos CNC
- Tornos para Cigueñales
- Tornos para Ruedas