• Spec
    Konvertieren Specs auf Englisch
    Leistung Höhe
    228.6 mm
    Leistung Breite
    330.2 mm
    228.6 mm
    1.5 kW
    Schneidmesser, Breite
    25.4 mm
    Schneidmesser, Länge
    3,314.7 mm
    76" x 25" x 46"
    1000 (LBS)
  • Über das Unternehmen
    Kalamazoo Machine Tool

    Kalamazoo Machine Tool is a market leader in metal cutting saws for industrial applications. Kalamazoo Machine Tool operates a 18,000sq foot facility where machines and parts are shipped daily. 12 district sales offices control over 300 local distributors. Kalamazoo Band saws are proven manufacturing machines, Kalamazoo Cold saws are robust for the toughest jobs and our High Speed Circular Saws make non ferrous jobs a breeze.

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