Technical Laboratory Systems Inc.

Technical Laboratory Systems, Inc., Tech-Labs, was founded by Tim and Dede Brown in 1977 in order to meet the growing need for technical and vocational training in Texas and Oklahoma. Over the last 37 years Tech-Labs has developed into a full service educational equipment and instructional software provider. Tech-Labs works with market leaders in instructional software for science and technical training systems. Tech-Labs is one of North America’s leading suppliers of industrial training in advanced manufacturing, industrial maintenance, mechatronics, welding, wind energy, solar energy and engineering equipment and curriculum. Tech-Labs is also one of North Americas largest engineering apparatus distribution companies
Tech-Labs specializes in many different markets in order to better serve our customers. It is Tech-Labs's goal to help educators prepare their students for the world of tomorrow by delivering equipment, curriculum, and software that will challenge students and help teach the competencies and skills students and industry need to face and overcome the challenges of the 21st Century.
- تخصصات الشركة
- آلات جديدة موزع / مستورد / وكيل
- ادوات&اكسسوارات-موزع
- اجزاء&مكونات-موزع
- اننا نحمل العلامات التجارية
- يكتب
- أجهزة حفر
- أجهزة المشغلات
- أجهزة معايرة
- AC موتورز
- CNC & N / C التحكم
- طابعات 3D
- فرائز و مثاقيب
- لحام أسلاك تغذية
- لحام القوس
- لحام من طراز ميغ
- لحام تيج
- معدات طباعة
- محركات مؤازرة
- مجسات
- مخارط CNC
- ماكينات حقن اسطمبات
- مناضد، سحب
- مقاعد البدلاء الأعلى ميلز
- ماركات ليزر
- مراكز التخريم و القلوزة
- قاطعات بلازما
- روبوت
- راوترات
- سفط الدخان
- تغذية أسلاك