Jinn Fa Machine Industrial Co., Ltd.

Changhua 50643
التوقيت المحلي هناك
Changhua 50643
التوقيت المحلي هناك
jinn fa machine industrial co., ltd. was established in 1976 as a precision machine tool manufacturer. jinn fa designs and manufactures a wide range of auto. lathes, cnc lathes, cnc machining centers and special purpose machines. based on the company philosophy of technological innovation and leadership, jinn fa has spent great efforts in the research and development of advanced machine tools. our machines have been widely sold to many countries in the world. each machine is manufactured to the highest quality standards, with the highest versatility, providing the most competitive edge for parts machining. jinn fa machines are further enhanced by fine craftsmanship, which guarantees the user outstanding precision performance. today jinnfa continues to labor at the technological forefront of the machine tool industry, maintaining a reputation for innovation design, state-of-the-art manufacturing techniques and rigorous quality control.
- تخصصات الشركة
- مصنع ماكينات جديدة - المركز الرئيسي
- منشئ الة مخصة
- ماركة
- يكتب
- الموزعون
الفرز حسب موقع
CALLE 17 No 50-24
كولومبيا - KM Enterprises
302, 3rd Floor, Royal Center,
Fazle-Haque Road, Blue Area,
Islamabad 44000
باكستان - NCT Technologies
No. 12, Jalan BP4, Bandar Bukit Puchong
47100, Puchong, Selangor
ماليزيا - Computer Numerical Control PTY Ltd.
10/27 - 33 Thormton Crescent
PO Box 3199, Mitcham
Nunawading 3131