Illinois, 美國總覽
The Stratasys F270 belongs to its F123 series. This 3D printer can surprise with its diverse and innovative solutions. An outstanding feature of the F123 series is that it covers the entire prototyping process, from concept review to design validation and functional testing. The F270 model is particularly impressive due to the variety of materials it supports and capability to upgrade to two printing materials. F270 - Maximum Build Size (XYZ) 305 x 254 x 305 mm (12 x 10 x 12 in)
Stratasys F270 3D Printing System (2022)
F270 - Maximum Build Size (XYZ) 305 x 254 x 305 mm (12 x 10 x 12 in)
Max. volume: 305 × 254 × 305 mm (23.63 cm3)
File format: n.a.
Software: GrabCAD Print
Connectivity: Wi-Fi
Compatible OS: n.a.
Power: 100–132V/15A oder 200–240V/7A
Other features: n.a.
Highly accurate and robust 3D parts for design validation and functional performance. Now there’s a more capable, more affordable professional rapid prototyping solution from Stratasys.
Stratasys F270 3D Printer lets you print everything from fast, low-cost concept models to durable assemblies and offers users the choice of low cost PLA, ABS and ASA from two material bays along with Stratasys easy-to-remove soluble support material . The F270 features 4 material spool bays, 2 for model, 2 for support located in an easy to access drawer at the front of the unit.
It’s easy to create complex parts and assemblies with no compromise on accuracy, detail and repeatability. Even for your earliest design iterations, you can expect Stratasys quality and dependability.