EDM Support, Inc
EDM Support, Inc. "The Customer Support Specialists"
We support:
1. AGIE Wire cut series up to the AC150HSS
2. Limited support on the Evolution and newer models.
3. CHMER – All products
4. AMS – All Products
This Support Includes:
• Phone & Email Support
• Installation
• Training
• Service
• Parts
We have been in business for over 20 years doing our best to provide the best support possible. Our goal is to make a good profit over many customers not simply overcharging one.
• Phone + Email Support:
o Support is free if the repair parts are purchased from us
o We do our best to answer 24/7
o 630-248-7068
o larry@edmsupport.com
• Installation, Training, Service (much less than the mfg!):
o Travel - $55.00/hour
o Labor - $95.00/hour
o Mile - $0.50/mile
o Expenses - Actual
Factory trained with over 35 years of experience. Our experience includes all DEM and AC machines, CHMER and AMS products.
“Next time a service engineer comes in ask them how many years of experience on that type of machine !!”
• Parts:
We also purchase machines to resale for parts. Why spend the money to purchase new parts for an older machine when you can purchase used or rebuilt parts for almost 50% of new! We have almost everything from plugs to UV heads!
Circuit Board Repair:
We repair most circuit boards in DEM and AC machines at almost 50% of the competition.
We want to advise you:
• EDM Support, Inc. is not associated with AGIE US or AGIE. "AGIE & AGIECUT are registered trademarks.
• When we say AGIE we are referring to the equipment not the mfg.
- 公司類型
- 機床大修/翻新
- 零部件經銷商
- 維修及服務
- 服務的產品線
- 電火花成形機床
- 電火花穿孔機
- EDM去斷絲錐機
- 線切割設備
- 服務品牌
- AMS Technology Co., Ltd
NO.18 Lane 299 ,Sec.1, Zhongshan Rd.
Wurih 414
台灣 - Chmer EDM
No.3 Jing Ke 1st Road
Nantun District
Taichung 408
- AMS Technology Co., Ltd