Vac-U-Lok is the only manufacturer in the United States completely devoted to designing innovative workholding solutions using vacuum. Vacuum workholding is our passion. Our experience ranges from circuit boards to ceramics, from aerospace to rubber compounds.
- 公司類型
- 工具及附件製造商
- 機床製造商 - 總部
- 專用機床製造商
- 品牌
- 類型
- 模具產品線
- 卡盤
- 經銷商
- Wiethe Young & Associates
PO Box 24065
Cincinnati, Ohio 45224
美國 - McGill Sales & Marketing, LLC
P.O. Box 101171
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237
美國 - Machining ROI
118 Emily Dr
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15215
美國 - Lars Anderson
4758 N125th St
Butler, Wisconsin 53007
美國 - Vac-U-Lok
62A Concourse Way
Greer, South Carolina 29650
美國 - Machine Tool Accessory Sales, Inc.
883 Angevine Court
Lidburn, Georgia 30047
美國 - Drowne Machinery Associates
PO Box 812011
Wellesley, Massachusetts 02482
美國 - Maitland Sales
P.O. Box 1611
Minden, Nevada 89423
美國 - Hemenway Sales, Inc.
18019 SE 325th Place
Auburn, Washington 98092
- Wiethe Young & Associates