Zimmerman McDonald Machinery
We have two missouri facilies in addition to used machinery, we stock many lines of new machinery. This allows us to offer our customers hands-on demonstrations, inspection of the machinery under power, and immediate delivery.
We are members of MDNA, (Machinery Dealers National Association), which is recognized nationally as knowledgeable dealers who subscribe to the highest standards of business practice. We advise you of conditions and circumstances of used machinery prior to sale, and offer our customers a purchase guarantee on all used machinery.
We provide our customers a computerized locating and listing service. If the machinery you desire is not in stock, we can locate it. We reach over 1000 used machinery dealers worldwide on a daily basis. This system provides the most up to date and comprehensive listing of used machinery available for sale at any given time and allows us to locate the machinery you desire almost immediately. It gives us the edge in dealing with your used machinery requirements; and it gives you the edge in finding exactly what you need.
Zimmerman-McDonald Machinery has grown by providing the area's largest inventory of quality new and used machinery, as well as innovative and useful services. We will continue to make our customers' needs our primary concern and are committed to become your source for new and used machinery as your business grows and changes.
- 公司類型
- 舊機床經銷商
- 新機床經銷商/進出口公司/銷售代理
- 資產評估
- 我們代理的品牌
- 類型
- (排式或組式)多軸重型鑽床
- 板材折彎機
- 棒料及鋼坯剪切機
- CNC 車床
- CNC 車床(五軸或更多軸聯動)
- 床身銑床
- 帶式磨床/砂輪機
- 單工位衝床
- 等離子切割機
- 仿形磨床
- 乾燥機
- 鋼樑鑽削線
- 高壓水射流切割機
- 割理邊折彎機
- 管材和棒料折彎機
- 後擋料機構
- 緩進給磨床
- 火焰切割機
- 集塵器
- 集霧器
- 剪板機
- 剪板機(Gauge制)
- 腳踏剪板機
- 精加工機床
- 卷板機
- 開槽機
- 開式固定台壓力機
- 開式可傾壓力機
- 扣壓機
- 鐳射打標機
- 鐳射焊機
- 鐳射切割機
- 冷凍式壓縮空氣乾燥機
- 冷加工圓鋸床
- 冷卻液過濾系統
- 立式帶鋸床
- 立式加工中心
- 立式加工中心(五軸或更多軸)
- 立式鏜銑床(包括 VTL)
- 立式萬能磨床
- 立式銑床
- 立式鑽床
- 聯合沖剪機
- 溜板式彎板機
- 龍門加工中心(包括橋樑和雙柱)
- 馬鞍車床
- 磨頭及磨削附件
- 木工刨床
- 木工砂磨設備
- 排煙機
- 盤盒類零件折彎機
- 拋光機
- 平面磨床(矩台)
- 平面磨床(園台)
- 普通車床
- 輕便衝床
- 清洗機
- 深喉口壓力機
- 手動彎板機
- 雙立柱臥式帶鋸床
- 水處理設備
- 彎角鐵機
- 萬能加工中心
- 萬能外圓磨床
- 萬能銑床
- 臥式帶鋸床
- 臥式加工中心
- 無心磨床
- 修整/卷邊/翻邊機
- 懸臂工作臺壓力機
- 搖臂鑽床
- 油田車床/特大孔徑車床
- 振動機
- 直邊壓力機