We are one of leading machine tool companies from China and represent dozens of pre-qualified leading machine tool builders and tooling manufacturers that have good reputation and produce high quality products. We have built solid connections with these manufacturers, so our clients can avail themselves of these connections to share the benefit of low cost and high quality of Chinese manufacturing.
In 1997 we visited Buenos Aires, Argentina and met our client there. We worked together to sell machine tools since then, and the cooperation has been lasting without stop. We commit to long term support and partnership, and we highly value and enjoy the long term relationship.
Now Dalian ZT Machinery serves worldwide clients from Argentina to Mexico, UK, Turkey, Qatar, Vietnam, and so on. Our goal is 100% customer satisfaction and 100% of the time. All machines recommended are of good reputation already proven in the market. All machines ready for shipping are double checked by our Pre-Delivery Inspection Program to assure the quality. Our customer service is in a timely manner no matter how far your location from us.
We sell various machine tools, metal cutting and metal forming, universal type and dedicated type, and plastic molding machines. We also design, develop and supply dedicated tooling and components for related machines.
Sincerely we hope to use our good faith to earn your trust and expect to become your single source for high quality machine tools and tooling. You are warmly welcome to contact us, thus to start a long term relationship at an early date.
- 公司類型
- 工具及附件經銷商
- 工具及附件製造商
- 機床製造商 - 總部
- 零部件製造商
- 我們代理的品牌
- 類型
- 板材、帶材整平機
- 板材折彎機
- 刨床
- CNC 車床
- CNC 車床(五軸或更多軸聯動)
- 插齒機
- 插床
- 車輪車床
- 齒輪淬火壓床
- 齒輪刀具磨床
- 齒輪去毛刺機
- 齒輪試驗機
- 衝壓頭和沖模
- 床身銑床
- 倒角機
- 電火花穿孔機
- 雕刻機
- 管螺紋套絲機
- 滾齒機
- 滾絲機
- 花鍵滾筒
- 剪板機
- 卷板機
- 立/臥式銑床
- 立式加工中心
- 立式加工中心(五軸或更多軸)
- 立式鏜銑床(包括 VTL)
- 立式銑床
- 龍門加工中心(包括橋樑和雙柱)
- 龍門銑床
- 龍門鑽床
- 輪齒倒角機
- 落地車床
- 螺紋磨床
- 馬鞍車床
- 磨齒機
- 磨頭及磨削附件
- 平面磨床(矩台)
- 普通車床
- 槍鑽
- 全齒輪立式鑽床
- 柔性加工系統
- 傘齒輪刨齒機
- 深孔鑽床
- 數顯表
- 鏜缸機
- 剃齒機
- 外園磨床
- 萬能外圓磨床
- 臥式加工中心
- 臥式落地鏜銑床
- 臥式鏜銑床
- 線切割設備
- 線性編碼器
- 橡膠輥磨床
- 旋轉工作臺
- 軋輥車床
- 軋輥磨床
- 搖臂鑽床
- 油田車床/特大孔徑車床
- 制動鼓車床
- 注塑機
- 轉塔衝床
- 縱切機和縱切線
- 鑽孔攻絲加工中心
- 鑽銑床
- 模具產品線
- 板牙扳手
- 衝壓頭和沖模
- 磨頭及磨削附件
- 壓床墊板