  • 产品概述

    Drag conveyors (also called scraper conveyors) are well suited for applications with dry cast iron or wet cast iron or aluminum applications generating fine chips where coolant cleanliness is not critical. Custom-designed to fit the application, our drag conveyors can be extended to lengths as required for moving material short or long distances. Using a simple chain design with spaced cross bars acting as scrapers, they pull material across a smooth flat bed.

    型号说明书 (44.3 知识库)

  • 关于公司
    Mayfran International

    We are a global leader in providing engineered solutions for scrap and coolant management and material handling in metalworking, recycling, solid waste processing, and other applications. Mayfran’s products convey, filter, separate, shred and process materials and fluids for the automotive, aerospace, consumer products, oil and gas, steel processing, solid waste, pulp and paper, medical products, heavy equipment and related industries. Mayfran’s engineered solutions promote sustainable manufacturing processes, reducing costs while improving overall profitability and competitiveness. There are significant benefits to working with Mayfran on your chip, coolant, and scrap management projects. Mayfran was established in 1933, is headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, USA, and has operations around the world.

