- 规格将参数转换为英制矩形工件最大高度 (H)127 mm矩形工件最大宽度(W)254 mm功率0.7 kW锯条宽度0.889 mm锯条厚度25.4 mm锯条长度2,438.4 mm外形尺寸670 lbs.
- 产品概述
• Up to 60-degree miter
• 8-5/8" Round Cutting Capacity
• Available in Manual Pull Down or Gravity Feed - 关于公司
Since 1980 the name of FMB has been well-known in the world of turning. With our "Loading Magazine" range of products, FMB represents reliable and highly economical equipment for the loading and unloading of machine tool systems. With a broad product range providing both standard solutions and equipment tailor-made to customers’ requirements, we have successfully earned the confidence worldwide of users, retailers and OEMs. New products, such as the UNIROBOT series, have expanded our range to encompass full industrial automation with its numerous conveying, loading and unloading requirements.