FO 3015 M2 NT
  • 规格
    4000 w
    3,073.4 mm
    1,549.4 mm
    199.9 mm
    数控系统 (AMNC-PC)
    34,216 lbs
  • 产品概述

    The FO 3015 M2 NT is engineered to meet the high quality and shorter lead time demands of today’s fabricating companies. Features include the new AMADA tuned oscillator from Fanuc as well as spatter free pierce for higher quality piercing in thicker material.

    Maximize utilization with minimal setup between jobs
    High speed processing of thin and thick materials
    Operator-friendly windows-based network compatible control
    Performance-proven rack and pinion drive system in the X-axis and high-precision ball screws in the Y and Z axis
    High-speed shuttle table design improves overall machine utilization by externalizing the material setup process
    Cast iron frame for superior stability
    Water Assisted Cutting System (WACS™) uses an adjustable water mist to absorb heat generated by the cutting process
    Cut Process Monitoring for automatic pierce detection as well as plasma detection for thick stainless steel and aluminum
    SFP (Spatter Free Pierce) function for cleaner high-speed piercing in thicker material
    Interlocked enclosure surrounds cutting area to ensure safety
    AMADA/FANUC RF excited resonator provides unmatched performance and reliability
    Automation ready

  • 关于公司
    Amada Company, Ltd

    the grinding machines, lathes, and press handled by amada wasino are all manufactured at specialty factories. grinding machines are manufactured at the komaki grinder factory with an area of 8,500 square meters, lathes at the 21,000 square meter imamura plant, and presses at the komaki press factory which has an area of 7,100 square meters. each type of machinery is produced on integrated assembly lines. at each factory, everything from components production to final assembly is subjected to thorough production control. besides this, stringent quality control standards are enforced through precision detection and measurement devices.

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