辊轧成型机TISHKEN 24-HWAS-3
(1) Used 24 Stand Tishken Rollformer
Spindle Diameter | 3 in |
Number of Stands | 24 |
Roll Space | 40 in |
Horizontal Center | 14 in |
Serial Number: (20679-1091)
Number of Stands: 24 (Two 12 Stand Bases)
Spindle Diameter: 3”
Roll Space: 30” - 40” (Powered Adjustment)
Gearing: Unequal 1.3 to 1
Vertical Adjustment: 6 1/2” to 8 3/8”
Horizontal Center: 14”
Passline Height: 39” (Approximately)
Equipped With:
Right to Left Travel
Outboard Supports
Micrometer Top Spindle Adjustment
Air Clutch for Starting and Stopping Machine
75 HP Main Motor, 1160 RPM, 230 / 460
Electrical Panel
Approximate Weight: 65,000 Lbs.
Approximate Dimensions: 35’ Long x 10’ Wide x 7’ High