In the world of fabrication there is no such thing as "one size fits all" equipment. Each machine has an ideal application, and for each Fabricator there is an ideal machine.
The BDL-1250/9B Beam Drill Line is a machine designed to apply high speed steel (morse taper) drill tooling to the production of heavy structural steel members. Columns in excess of 730 lbs/ft are continually executed with ease on this one-of-a-kind system. Proven to process between 150-180 tons of structural steel per week on average (this can fluctuate based on section size and complexity of operations) the BDL-1250/9B proudly serves not only high throughput facilities, but fabricators who require the ability to process heavy column sizes.
Similar to other Peddinghaus designs, the DGP-1270 band saw utilizes a smarter design for maximum longevity of consumables, and core components. Technology that includes a unique portal frame mitering mechanism, twin column construction, rigid material clamping, and an innovative lift and kneel material transport to ensure maximum ROI on your machine tool investment.
功率 | 11.2 kW |
主轴转速 | 900 RPM |
Specifications (subject to buyer verification):
2010 Peddinghaus BDL-1250/9B Beam Line Main Specs (subject to buyer verification):
Maximum Profile Width: 49"
Minimum Profile Width: 3"
Maximum Profile Height: 24"
Maximum Work Piece Weight: 19,867 Kg
Number of Drill Spindles: 9
9 Drill Spindles per Axis: 3
3 Drill Diameter: 0.314"-2.0"
2007 MEBA 1270DGP Horizontal Bandsaw Main Specs (subject to buyer verification):
Cutting Capacity 90°: 50″ W x 23.6″ H
Cutting Capacity 45° LH: 35.4″ W x 23.6″ H
Cutting Capacity 45° RH: 33.4″ W x 23.6″ H
Cutting Capacity 60° RH: 20.5″ W x 23.6″ H
Plate: 50″ W x 6″ H
Round: 24″ H
Motor: 20 HP
Saw Blade: 385.8″ x 2 5/8″ x .063″
Machine Weight: 19,840 lbs