Air Equipment Company
Established in 1970, Air Equipment Company started as a factory service center for Gardner Denver, one of the oldest compressor manufacturers in the United States. As Gardner Denver has evolved, so have we. Originally focused on the mining, timber and heavy construction industries, our company has gradually become a quality supplier of compressed air, blower and vacuum systems in every industry imaginable. As the economy has steered away from natural resources and smoke stack manufacturing, we and the many manufacturers we represent have adapted to a more consumer driven market. For that reason, you will find that we have the ability and inventory to supply and service anyone from the quality oriented home user to the large industrial infrastructure……and everyone in between.
In addition to “off the shelf” items, we fabricate custom application packages of any size, install air distribution piping systems, and perform energy savings studies. Our service department has been trained to work on just about every brand, configuration and control scenario in existence. You will find our entire staff more than willing to help with your particular problem, no matter how small or large. As we work through our 5th decade, we continue to believe that our legacy is based on hard work and customer satisfaction. We always search for the most cost efficient solution to our customers’ particular needs. You can buy an air system from anyone. What sets companies apart, is how they support you after your purchase. We take that aspect very seriously.
- 公司类型
- 新机床经销商/进出口公司/销售代理
- 我们代理的品牌
- 类型
- 板材三合一机床
- 刨床
- 泵
- 便携式空气压缩机
- C-框架式压力机
- 离心式空气压缩机
- 带式磨床/砂轮机
- 堆垛机
- 分离装置
- 风扇
- 干燥机
- 杠杆式压力机
- 钢罐、钢槽类设备
- 高速(有色金属)圆锯机
- 高压式空气压缩机
- 攻丝钻床
- 鼓风机
- 罐、槽类设备
- 罐式空气压缩机
- H 型框架压力机
- 葫芦
- 货架提升车
- 集尘器
- 剪板机(Gauge制)
- 剪式升降台
- 搅拌器
- 脚踏剪板机
- 卷板机
- 开槽机
- 空气净化器
- 冷冻式压缩空气干燥机
- 冷加工圆锯床
- 立式带锯床
- 立式铣床
- 立式钻床
- 螺杆/滑片式空气压缩机
- 木工刨床
- 木工车床
- 木工带锯床
- 木工锯床
- 木工砂磨设备
- 木工台锯床
- 木工铣床
- 木工整边机
- 盘盒类零件折弯机
- 平面磨床(矩台)
- 普通车床
- 清洗机
- 全齿轮立式钻床
- 砂轮机
- 手动剪切机
- 水处理设备
- 榫眼机
- 往复式空压机
- 卧式带锯床
- 无润滑式空气压缩机
- 修整/卷边/翻边机
- 压缩空气干燥器
- 摇臂钻床
- 圆盘磨床
- 真空泵
- 蒸汽清洁器
- 钻头磨床
- 钻铣床