Prestige Equipment Corp.
Founded in 1990, Prestige Equipment is a worldwide leader in the procurement and sales of metalworking machinery, fabricating equipment and complete manufacturing facilities. A full-service stocking dealer, Prestige offers an extensive inventory and consignment selection of more than 1000 late-model machine tools. Related services include both online and on-site auctions and liquidations, asset management programs, appraisals, financing, plant turnaround and business sales.
Specialties include Aerospace, Power Generation and Automotive Industries as well as Precision Large Capacity Multi-Axis CNC Milling & Turning Machinery, CNC & Manual Chipmaking and Fabricating Machinery, Gear Machinery, Grinding Equipment, Plastic Injection Molders and Presses. As long time and active members of the Machinery Dealers National Association (MDNA), most machines are offered with a 30-day MDNA return privilege.
A global leader in industrial liquidation services, Prestige provides an array of effective solutions for manufacturing companies undergoing plant closure or downsizing, Included are the full or partial purchase of assets and real estate, cash guarantees and commission sales. A broad yet unique approach to the marketplace allows Prestige to provide maximum returns for clients.
Our Asset Management Programs provide clients with focused, organized and effective mechanisms to remarket their assets, either through direct marketing campaigns, time-managed online sales or consignment to our warehouse facilities. With a database of more than 125,000 manufacturers worldwide, clients are provided with the best opportunity to realize the maximum market value for their assets.
As members of the Association of Metalworking and Equipment Appraisers (AMEA), we have Certified Equipment Appraisers (CEA's) on staff. Adhering to the latest USPAP compliance, we provide professional, timely, accurate and relaible appraisals for all types of machinery and support equipment, from a desktop appraisal to an inspection resulting in a detailed report. Clients include manufacturing companies, banks and leasing companies.
With an international marketing reach, clients that are selling their businesses are afforded broad yet focused exposure to potential buyers in every facet of manufacturing around the globe.
With a full service warehouse totaling over 150,000 square feet of heated space, no machine is too big for Prestige Equipment to handle. Conveniently located less than 10 minutes from Philadelphia International Airport, our warehouse is equipped with 100-ton crane capacity, with 60 feet under hook. A full time staff and on-site millrights oversee professional rigging, export packing, and international shipping services.
Prestige has a broad range of Financing Programs that can be tailored to each client's specific needs.
- 公司类型
- 旧机床经销商
- 新机床经销商/进出口公司/销售代理
- 资产评估
- 我们代理的品牌
- 类型
- 板材折弯机
- 板牙头
- CNC 车床
- CNC 车床(五轴或更多轴联动)
- 插齿机
- 齿轮试验机
- 床身铣床
- 打标机
- 大幅面雕刻机
- 带式磨床/砂轮机
- 单工位冲床
- 导轨磨床
- 等离子切割 / 冲床组合
- 等离子切割机
- 点焊机
- 点凸焊机
- 动力刀具
- 多面折弯机
- 多任务加工中心
- 仿形铣床
- 钢梁钻削线
- 高压水射流切割机
- 工具和附件 (其它)
- 管材和棒料折弯机
- 管螺纹套丝机
- 滚齿机
- 辊轧成型机
- 焊接定位器
- 焊丝进给焊机
- 珩齿机
- 珩磨机
- 花键滚筒
- 火焰切割机
- 机工水平仪
- 激光切割机
- 激光扫描仪
- 机械手
- 剪板机
- 键槽铣床
- 角板
- 角钢冲床
- 精加工机床
- 卷板机
- 卷材送料线
- 开式固定台压力机
- 拉伸成型机
- 冷却液过滤系统
- 立式带锯床
- 立式加工中心
- 立式加工中心(五轴或更多轴)
- 立式万能磨床
- 立式镗铣床(包括VTL)
- 立式铣床
- 联合冲剪机
- 龙门加工中心(包括桥梁和双立柱)
- 龙门铣床
- 落地工作台/划线工作台
- 螺杆/滑片式空气压缩机
- 螺栓攻丝机
- 马鞍车床
- 磨齿机
- 万能加工中心
- 万能外圆磨床
- 喷抛清理设备
- 平面磨床(矩台)
- 平面磨床(园台)
- 平旋盘
- 普通车床
- 其它刀具夹持装置
- 其它线材设备
- 卡盘
- 卡爪
- 枪钻
- 去毛刺机
- 曲轴磨床
- 伞齿轮刨齿机
- 三维打印机
- 上下料系统
- 深孔钻床
- 输送带
- 双立柱卧式带锯床
- 送料和整平机
- 台钳
- 镗杆
- 退火炉
- 外园磨床
- 弯角铁机
- 尾架
- 卧式带锯床
- 卧式加工中心
- 卧式落地镗铣床
- 卧式镗铣床
- 钨极惰性气体保护焊机(TIG)
- 线切割设备
- 铣头及铣削附件
- 线整平和切断机
- 校平机
- 校直压力机
- 型钢开槽机
- 旋转工作台
- 轧辊车床
- 轧辊磨床
- 摇臂钻床
- 液压机
- 液压压块机
- 印刷设备
- 油田车床/特大孔径车床
- 折边机
- 真空喷丸机
- 直边压力机
- 注塑机
- 转塔车床(Ram & Saddle)
- 转塔冲床
- 转台式,耳轴式生产线(立/卧式)
- 纵缝焊机
- 走心式自动车床
- 坐标测量机