PRAB, Inc.
PRAB is a leading engineer and manufacturer of conveyors and chip and fluid management systems. Its customized solutions automate metal handling, reduce labor costs, reclaim and recycle expensive cutting fluids/coolants and maximize return on recycling metals. With its expertise honed by more than 4,500 installations for the world’s leading OEMs and suppliers, PRAB continuously improves material handling, housekeeping and compliance to environmental rules and regulations within the automotive, aerospace, medical, electronics, defense, off road and energy markets.
- 公司类型
- 工具及附件制造商
- 机床制造商 - 总部
- 品牌
- 类型
- 销售办事处
- PRAB Europe
Ul. Niemodlinska 87
Opole 45-864
- PRAB Europe
- 分销商
- Salem Tools
1602 Midland Rd
Salem, Virginia 24153
美国 - R.D.Dishman & Associates, Inc.
P.O. Box 3438
Cookeville, Tennessee 38502-3438
美国 - Upton & Sullivan Co. Ltd.
3190 Ridgeway Drive #25
Mississauga, Ontario L5L 5S8
加拿大 - Gull Material Handling Company
P.O. Box 710
Barrington, Illinois 60011
美国 - Thortsen Magnetics Company
P.O. Box 668666
Charlotte, North Carolina 28266
美国 - Scott Special Tools, Inc.
515 Huber Park Court
St. Charles, Missouri 63304
美国 - Scott Special Tools, Inc.
1976 Linn
N. Kansas City, Missouri 64116
美国 - Reeves & Associates
1058 Cardinal Ridge Rd.
PO Box 693
Burleson, Texas 76097-0693
- Salem Tools