Manufacturer and supplier of hydraulic workshop presses, broaching presses, portal presses, straightening presses, c-frame presses, production presses, four column presses and custom-made hydraulic presses. We also supply bending machines: profile bending machines and magnetic bending machines.
All these hydraulic presses and bending machines are delivered to our dealers worldwide for local support and service.
- 公司类型
- 机床制造商 - 销售处
- 机床制造商 - 总部
- 专用机床制造商
- 品牌
- 类型
- 分销商
- ESMA, Comercio e Projectos Internacionais, Lda
Rua do Parque 50-D
Samora Correia 2135-211
葡萄牙 - WeMa Antonius Pigge GmbH
Barnstorfer Straße 3
Goldenstedt 49424
德国 - Procurement Centre (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
998-1000 Srinakarintr Rd.
Suanluang 10250
- ESMA, Comercio e Projectos Internacionais, Lda