- 사양사양을 영국 표준식으로 변환챔버-폭1,219.2 mm쳄버 디660.4 mm챔버-높이660.4 mm
- 제품 개요
The base model INEX 3048 comes without media reclaimer, and includes shop-vac-style vacuum collector suitable for occasional use in small shops or at home. The INEX 3048R with reclaimer delivers the higher-production features growing businesses need: continuous media cleaning and recycling, and dust bag for limited blasting, (less than an hour per day). Optional 300-cfm dry filter dust collector is suitable for extended blasting.
- 회사 소개
CLEMCO manufactures a comprehensive line of air-blast equipment and accessories for cleaning, surface preparation, and finishing. The company markets these products through a network of subsidiaries, licensees, and independent distributors. Clemco’s North American operations are headquartered in Washington, Missouri to serve the North and South American continents.
유통업체와(과) 서비스 및 수리점
- 유통업체24Woodward Equipment Company | J.L Woodward Co., Inc.
15790 SE Piazza Ave - Suite 104
Clackamas, Oregon 97015
미국 - 서비스 및 수리점1