• 사양
    사양을 영국 표준식으로 변환
    스핀들 구멍 직경
    38 mm
    분당 회전속도
    7,000 RPM
  • 제품 개요

    Thanks to max. speed of 20,000 min-1 and rigid tool spindle with B-axis, complex-shaped workpiece which conventional automatic lathe cannot achieve is now possible.
    ● Corresponds to short and long workpieces by switching guide bush spec and guide bushless spec.
    ● Perfect overlapping of processes on main spindle and back spindle thanks to the back tool post with Y-axis.
    ● Various milling operations are realized thanks to 40-tool magazine and tool spindle with B-axis.

  • 회사 소개
    Tsugami Corporation

    TSUGAMI is recognized worldwide for superior precision machine tools. The company is mainly engaged in the manufacture and sale of working machines. The Company's main products consist of automatic lathes, grinding machines, machining centers, rolling machines and other working equipment.

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