분말 코팅 라인을 포함한 페인트 시스템 및 장비DINAMEC D-16.06.06/ICV
Illinois, 미국개요
63" x 23.6" x 23.6"(H), Dinamec D.16.06.06 ICV Fluidized Bed, PLC, 2014
스펙 시트
Dinamec Systems Fluidized Bed Thermal Cleaning System provides an environmentally friendly and cost effective way to clean organic substances off of your metal parts. Unlike others before it, this sophisticated system will clean metal parts of all plastic, rubber, or paint without the threat of damage or deformation. The system uses a combination of calibrated quartz sand, air, and heat to quickly and cleanly remove organic materials from metal, allowing all your future cleaning needs to be in compliance with environmental regulations and emission standards. Keppel Seghers Fluidized Bed’s patented technology is easy to operate and time effective for any industry.
New - 2014
Fluidized Bed Dimensions - catalog............63"(L-R) x 23.6"(F-B) x 23.6"(H)
Steel Capacity - Maximum............272 Lbs.
Organic Load Capacity (Based on a one-hour cycle):
- Plastics (PE - PP)............7.3 Lbs.
- Cured Paint............29.5 Lbs.
- Powder Paint............19 Lbs.
- Voltage............480
- Phase............3Ph
- Hertz............60
- Amperage............40
- Type............Natural
- Incoming pressure............5 PSI
- Operating pressure............350 mBar
- Total BTU............474,000
- Purge time - minimum............12 Seconds
Footprint - approximate............150" L-R x 120" F-B x 140" H
Dimensions - actual:
- Main machine............150" L-R x 58" F-B x 78" H
- Exhaust vent............87" L-R x 26" F-B x 80" H
- Blower pack............57" L-R x 32" F-B x 42" H
PLC Based Control
ICV Hood (suitable for most paint and plastic applications as well as especially volatile organics with a low flash point. The high hood allows a basket to be loaded on dead sand and become fluidized after the hood is closed.)
*Preliminary specifications, pending confirmation.
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분말 코팅 라인을 포함한 페인트 시스템 및 장비
분말 코팅 라인을 포함한 페인트 시스템 및 장비
분말 코팅 라인을 포함한 페인트 시스템 및 장비