Star-Su Federal de México, S.A. de C.V.

Venta de Herramientas de Carburo, Maquinas y servicio de afilado.
Gear Tools & Round Tools like:
Hobs, Shavers, Shaper Cutter,Milling Cutter, Broach (Helical, round spline, keyway,flat, blind spline, punches dies), Reamers, Carbide Drills, Gundrills, form carbide tools, multidiameter drills tools, spool bore tools, Carbide blanks,Carbide Preforms,Carbide round rod,Chamfer and deburring tools. Master Gears,Ring and pluge gauges.
Machinery like:
Gear Hobbing Machines, Shaving Machines, Gear Shaper Machines, Broach Machines, Honing Machine, Grinding Machine Generating, Grinding Machine Profile, Grinding Machine Rotary Surface, turning, milling with Brands as VDF Boehringer, Hüller Hille, Hessapp,
Star SU, LLC and Federal Broach & Machine Company have a joint venture in Mexico to offer the reconditionament gears tools The name of the new company is STAR SU FEDERAL DE MEXICO that offer the services of Sharpen gear tools like Hobs, Shavers, Broach, Shaper Cutter, Chamfer and deburring tools also offer the coating services for the tools, the Service Center is locate in Querétaro city
- 회사 전문 분야
- 공구 & 악세서리 - 제조업체
- 재제조업체 및 설비개조
- 제조업체 / 주문자 상표에 의한 제품 생산자
- 새 기계 대리점 / 수입상 / 에이전트
- 사용자 기계 빌더
- 서비스 와 수리
- 신제품 기계 제조업 - 판매 사무실
- 우리가 수행하는 브랜드
- 유형