In Vigolzone, near Piacenza city, is based one of the most advanced European companies in the industrial automation sector: MCM, designing, building and installing machining cells and high-precision, high-speed flexible manufacturing systems. Founded in 1978, the company was a precursor in the development of the automated factory: from the horizontal machining centers of the Clock, Tank, Action, Forerunner and Jet Five series, up to Concept, providing extremely high levels of performance in terms of speed, precision, flexibility, time- and cost-reduction.
유통업체, 영업 사무실, 서비스 및 수리점
- 유통업체3TMU SNC di L. Tagliani e D. Drusiani
Via Jussi, 8
San Lazzaro di Savena (BO), Emilia-Romagna 40068
이탈리아 - 영업 사무실3
- 서비스 및 수리점1