경매 - 시간 초과 온라인Complete Closure of Precision & Custom Gear and Machined Component Facility과거

ID #
Doosan CNC Vertical Turning Centers, CNC Grinding, Gear Machinery, Toolroom Equipment, Quality Assurance, and Support Equipment
시간 초과 온라인
2025/01/28 08:00 EST
2025/02/27 10:00 EST
2025/02/26 08:00 EST – 2025/02/26 16:00 EST
Or earlier by appointment.
61 Felton St.
N. Tonawanda, New York
Mark Reynolds | 708‑765‑3989 | mark@integra‑as.com
Integra Asset Solutions

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ID #
Doosan CNC Vertical Turning Centers, CNC Grinding, Gear Machinery, Toolroom Equipment, Quality Assurance, and Support Equipment
시간 초과 온라인
2025/01/28 08:00 EST
2025/02/27 10:00 EST
2025/02/26 08:00 EST – 2025/02/26 16:00 EST
Or earlier by appointment.
61 Felton St.
N. Tonawanda, New York
Mark Reynolds | 708‑765‑3989 | mark@integra‑as.com

항목 요약

Doosan CNC Vertical Turning Centers, CNC Grinding, Gear Machinery, Toolroom Equipment, Quality Assurance, and Support Equipment


CNC Vertical Turning Centers

(2) Doosan Puma V8300 (2018 & 2017), 43.3” Swing x 32.7” Max Turn Diameter, 17.5” Chuck, 2000-RPM, Fanuc i CNC
(2) Doosan Puma V550R (2011), 31.5” Swing x 28.7” Max Turn Diameter, 17.5” Chuck 2000-RPM, Fanuc i CNC

CNC Grinders

Okuma GI-20N CNC Internal Grinder (2011), 15.75" Swing x 7.87" Max Length, (2) Spindles, OSP 5020G CNC
ST-Supertec G50P-150 CNC Cylindrical Grinder (2014), 19.7" Swing x 59.1" Centers, Fanuc Oi Mate-TD CNC, Gaging, Balance Control, Probing
Fortuna FM43D1000S42 CNC Cylindrical Grinder, 13.8" Swing x 39.4" Centers, Tango FM4-CNC, Gaging

Gear Machinery

Kapp Niles ZE 800S Gear Profile Grinding Machine (2007), 31.5” Max Tip Diameter, 43.3” Max Length, 23.6” Max Face Width, Sinumerik 840D CNC, Dittel Balancing System, (2) ID Attachments
Kapp Niles ZP 12 Gear Profile Grinding Machine, 39.4” Max Tip Diameter, 66.9” Max Length, 39.4” Max Face Width, D 200 CNC
Liebherr LFS 600 Gear Shaper (2009), 23.6” Max Wheel Diameter, 27.6” Table Diameter, 9.4” Max Stroke, Siemens Sinumerik 840D CNC
Liebherr LC 382 8-Axis CNC Gear Hobber, 15” Max Diameter, Liebherr LH90 GH CNC, Tailstock
Liebherr/Vermont Tool L 902 6-Axis CNC Gear Hobber, 35.4” Max Diameter, GE Fanuc 16-M CNC, Tailstock

Tool Shop Equipment

Haas VF-3YT/50 5-Axis CNC Vertical Machining Center (2012), Wired for 4th & 5th Axes, 30-ATC, Probing, CAT 50
Haas TRT210 Tilting Rotary Table
Nardini ND1785E Engine Lathe
LeBlond Regal Servo Shift Engine Lathe
Harrison 10" x 36" Engine Lathe
Bridgeport 1.5-HP Vertical Milling Machine
Myford 5" x 12" Plain Cylindrical Grinder
Blanchard #18 Rotary Surface Grinder
Cincinnati-Milacron XPT25x1600 Hydraulic Vertical Broach
Grizzly G0962 10" Table Saw
Peerless Accumatic 1400 Horizontal Band Saw
Assorted Machining Accessories, CAT 50 Tooling, Vises, Milling Heads, etc.

Inspection Equipment

Magnaflux TAQ 525 Magnetic Particle Inspection Unit
Magnaflux SB 1416 Demagnetizer
Scientemp 85-6.8B Industrial Freezer Chest
Wilson 3JR Rockwell Hardness Tester
Tinius Olsen Hardness Tester
Kodak 14" Optical Comparator

Support Equipment

(3) Free-Standing Bridge Crane Systems – to 1 Ton, 22’ Span
(6) Jib Cranes – to 1-Ton x 12’
(15) Cecor DB-244-8P 13.4-Cu.Ft. Dump Containers

경매인에 대하여

2000 Center Drive, Colab Suite
Hoffman Estates, Illinois 60192