• Especificaciones
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    125 mm
    2,000 mm
  • Descripción del producto

    SPM Centering and Facing Machines are most suitable for centering, plunge facing, chamfering and external turning of the two ends simultaneously of the bar stock, such as camshafts, crankshafts, motor-shafts, universal joint, spiders etc. ensuring perfect alignment of centers, accurate lengths and true end. These are available in four length capacities.

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  • Sobre la Compañía
    SPM Tools

    A team of highly experienced and qualified engineers develops machine designs with cutting edge technology. These machines are manufactured to precision with the latest equipment and subjected to rigorous in-house testing for quality assurance as per international standards. Supported by the necessary infrastructure, with professionals and proven tracks at the helm, we will continue to benefit our customers with affordable priced machines representing the highest standards in quality and precision.

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