• Especificaciones
  • Descripción del producto

    Our TRO bar series machines are designed to manufacture varius components from bar stock, which can be round, hexagonal or extruded shapes. Their specific characteristic lie in the integration of a bar loader of our design/production, CN controlled, to make the movements easier.

    The feed of the bar through brushless motor guarantees the cutting precision with consequent savings in terms of material waste, production cycle time and, lastly increased tool life.

  • Sobre la Compañía
    Porta North America, Inc.

    PORTA SOLUTIONS has a head quarter in Italy and the American facility is in Charlotte (NC). PORTA SOLUTIONS is the pioneer company in the construction of 3-spindle CNC Machining Centers for metalworking and in application of the concepts of the Porta Production Method. The company started out in the construction of CNC Transfer machines, and is now specialized in the design of PORTACENTER Machining Centers, representing a benchmark company for those who want to apply new production strategies. The Porta Production Method, based on the concepts of Lean Manufacturing, responds to the specific needs of users of CNC Machining Centers for metalworking. The company’s board of directors employs a team of specialists to design 3-spindle Machining Centers and offer assistance.

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