• Especificaciones
    Convertir Especificaciones al Sistema Inglés
    279.91 mm
    1,229.4 mm
    29.8 kW
    500 RPM
    # ATC
    629.92 mm
  • Descripción del producto

    The ORBITEC 20 large part machining center provides the capability to create true turned surfaces on parts that are difficult, or too large, to rotate. The machine greatly reduces setup times and improves throughput for large, heavy and awkward workpieces such as those often found in the energy industry. As a cost-effective, innovative valve body production center the ORBITEC 20 can complete more than 75% of valve applications in one setup while maintaining high tolerances.

    The machine's patented head-design technology allows it to perform a variety of operations, including the facing of flange surfaces, conical boring of taper holes, face milling and endmilling, in a single part setup.The machine's head allows the centerline of rotation to be moved for positioning the turning centerline where needed.

    Unique headstock design
    High-precision large-component machining
    Heavy duty integrated spindle motor
    Automatic tool changing and 60-tool magazine
    Large 19"diameter turning capability
    Optional two-pallet changer and integration into PALLETECH system for linking with other Mazak machining centers in atutomated production cells

  • Sobre la Compañía
    Yamazaki Mazak Corporation

    Leaders in the manufacturer of advanced technology solutions including Multi-Tasking, 5-axis, milling, turning, CNC Controls and automation. We have developed unique products that realize unsurpassed productivity and established 78 Technology and Technical Centers all over the world to provide total solutions and optimum service support close to customers. Additionally, we began machine tool production in foreign countries much earlier than other Japanese machine tool manufacturers - starting in 1974 with the manufacturing plant in the U.S, we have established manufacturing plants in the U.K, Singapore, and China. We are the only machine tool manufacturer that has established a global production base. By utilizing the local manufacturing plants and global support bases, we have provided enhanced service and support and established strong relationships with our customers.

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