• Especificaciones
    Convertir Especificaciones al Sistema Inglés
    609.6 mm
    2,032 mm
    25 hp
    600 RPM
  • Descripción del producto

    High precision cartridge type spindle equipped with four pieces of Class 7 (P4) angular contact ball bearings suitable for heavy duty grinding
    Hand-scraped, Turcite-B Coated cross-feed guideways between base and saddle have double "V" design; provides support for full table travel and prevents table overhangs.
    Automatic dressing with compensation during grinding cycle
    Hand-scraped and Turcite-B coated longitudinal ways between table and saddle are double "V" design, ideal for delicate side grinding operations.
    Data transfer is simplified by using a USB data port or Ethernet connection.

  • Sobre la Compañía
    Falcon Machine Tools Co., Ltd (Chevalier)

    Complete range of machining centers, CNC lathes, surface grinders, vertical lathes & profile grinding machines.

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