BOLDRINI PAO 200 X 3600 + MSF/T25 X 3500

  • Especificaciones
    5000 x 4500 x 1300
  • Descripción del producto

    High Speed press with manipulator for heads production with Siemes CNC control

  • Sobre la Compañía

    Welcome into the BOLDRINI virtual machine: in these pages you will find everything you must know about Hydraulic Presses for dished ends production, Shipyard Presses, "C" frame Presses, Hot and Cold Deep Drawing Presses, Manipulators for Dishing Presses, Flanging Machines for both dished and "flat" (flanged only) heads, cones and truncated cones, 3 and 4 Roll Plate Bending Machines, Bending Section Machines, I-beam and H-beam Benders, Bulb Benders for Shipyards, Plate Straightening Machines, Bevelling Machines for both flat and rolled plates and everything else that is necessary to manufacture tank heads, dished ends, shells, pressure vessels, steam boilers, and shipyard components. Our Machine range covers a variety of application fields to satisfy all tasks required by Tank Manufacturing Companies, Chemical and Petro-Chemical Industries, Pharmaceutical, Food and Beverage, Breweries, ISO containers, Water and Waste treatment, Nuclear production and Waste storage, Shipyards, Road Tankers ...

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