- EspecificacionesMaterialPlasticControlCNC
- Descripción del producto
Manufacturing Redefined
3D Systems Figure 4 makes 3D production a reality—with increased productivity, durability, repeatability and lower total cost of operations (TCO). Figure 4 delivers productivity enabled through speed and automation with real world repeatable, accurate parts with demonstrated Six Sigma performance in a diverse range of robust, production-grade materials.
- Sobre la Compañía
3d systems is a leading provider of rapid 3-d printing, prototyping and manufacturing solutions. its systems and materials reduce the time and cost of designing products and facilitate direct and indirect manufacturing by creating actual parts directly from digital input. these solutions are used for design communication and prototyping as well as for production of functional end-use parts: transform your products.
Distribuidores y Talleres de Servicio y Reparación
- Distribuidores163D Systems Latinamerica
Av. Vía Gustavo Baz No. 98
Industrial Alce Blanco
Naucalpan de Juárez, Mexico 53370
MéxicoRapid Prototyping, S.A. de C.V.
Carlos B. Zetina No. 85-B
Escandón, Deleg. Miguel Hidalgo
Cd. de México, Distrito Federal 11800
c/o SoHo Office Malta Ltd, Edge Water Business Complex
Elia Zammit Street
St.Julians STJ0001
MaltaAlmera Kuyumcu Malzeme Toptan Ve Satisi Taner Kasar
Atasaray Is Hani No. 35/37
Giris, Kat 9 Cagaloglu
TurquíaRealrock Technology Co., Ltd.
5F.-10, No.20, Ln. 609, Sec. 5, Chongxin Rd., Sanchong Dist., New Taipei City 241, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
new Taipei city 241
Taiwan - Talleres de Servicio y Reparación1