Burns Power Tools & Sharpe

Burns Power Tools & Sharpe
350 Mariano S. Bishop Blvd
Fall River, Massachusetts 02721
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Burns Power Tools & Sharpe
350 Mariano S. Bishop Blvd
Fall River, Massachusetts 02721
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Quality tools, fair prices, good service and straight forward honesty have been prime motivations since John J. Burns started his saw shop back in 1934. Over the years, Burns Power Tools has become a major supplier specializing in industrial power tools, heavy-duty machinery, full service sharpening, repairs and related accessories. We have built our business by catering to Contractors and Industry, and we provide value to these customers that the large discount houses cannot. Our loyal customers know that if they buy a tool from Burns, they’ll have no worries because the loyalty goes both ways – we’ll take care of it if it breaks down, we’ll provide help and advice on application problems, and we’ll offer pick up and delivery. Many long-lasting mutual friendships have developed as a result of the Burns philosophy.