• Specs
    Convert Specs to Imperial
    Width of Belt
    1,320.8 mm
    93.2 kW
  • Product Overview

    A massive machine that utilizes heavy, durable components for a long life of heavy use. Ideal for large-scale wide belt sanding and calibrating, heavy stock removal, panel sanding and veneer/lacquer sanding during 24/7 operations.

  • About Company
    Timesavers International B.V.

    Timesavers International is based in Goes, The Netherlands, with regional of- fices around the globe in Shanghai (China), Taichung (Taiwan), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) and Timesavers Inc. in Minneapolis (USA). Worldwide the company has more than 200 employees supported by a network of local dealers and partners. In the 76 years of their existence, they have built and sold over 55.000 machines, with customers in nearly all countries over the world.

Looking to Purchase a New TIMESAVERS 5300 SERIES 52"?

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