• Specs
  • Product Overview

    With the measuring machines family VENTURA and VENTURA CNC you get to know the flagships of our measuring machine programme:

    Robust, high-precision horizontal-arm measuring machines, insensitive to dirt, with an X-axis guideway which is integrated in the measuring plate.

    VENTURA measuring machines are available in manual, motorised or CNC controlled versions, as singlecolumn or multi-column machines.

    As a standard we equip our machines with a very robust and dirt resistant magnetic measuring system. Renishaw incident light measuring systems are available on request.

    Model Brochure (4.52 MB)

  • About Company
    C. Stiefelmayer GmbH & Co. KG

    For 3D coordinate metrology “Stiefelmayer” is a well-known brand. The first 3D coordinate measuring machine horizontal arm type with digital evaluation was presented by Stiefelmayer already in the early 70s. Today, more than 8,000 horizontal arm type Stiefelmayer machines are installed world wide. We offer a broad range of possibilities to optimally fulfill our customers' requirements in terms of size, accuracy and comfortable working. This includes, besides the high-quality machines, also well-designed evaluation and software systems, and a large range of field-proven equipment and accessories. Stiefelmayer horizontal arm measuring machines exhibit excellent mechanical precision – an important prerequisite for the sturdiness, long-term reliability and low lifetime costs of the measuring machines.

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