• Specs
    Convert Specs to Imperial
    Min Wire Dia.
    0.762 mm
    Max Wire Dia.
    1.143 mm
  • Product Overview

    The HELIX WF20S wire feeders for TIG welding applications are designed to withstand rugged use in harsh environments. These reliable feeders use a precision wire feed motor to ensure correct wire feed speed throughout the weld. Their intuitive designs allow the user to install new wire spools in under a minute with no tools required. Paired with the C series of weld heads, these off board wire feeders are easy to set up and use in the shop or field.

    Model Brochure (297 KB)

  • About Company
    Lincoln Electric Company

    Lincoln Electric provides advanced welding and cutting technologies to the world’s major industries – transportation, construction, fabrication, petrochemical and others. The company is a leader in the design and manufacture of arc welding equipment and consumables, robotic welding systems and plasma and oxyfuel cutting equipment.

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