• Specs
    Convert Specs to Imperial
    Spindle Size
    129.54 mm
    X-Horiz Tvl of Col
    3,992.9 mm
    Y-Vert Tvl of Head
    2,011.7 mm
    55.9 kW
    4,000 RPM
    Z-Spdl Tvl
    1,000.8 mm
    CNC (Siemens or Fanuc)
  • Product Overview

    Two versions of Giddings & Lewis floortype boring mills are available, the FT and FTR Series. The FT is equipped with a standard boring mill live spindle. The FTR adds a ram headstock for extended reach and rigidity.

  • About Company
    Fives Machining Systems

    Fives designs and supplies machine tool and complete manufacturing solutions in a broad range of industrial sectors. With a strong foundation based upon renowned legacy names such as Cincinnati, Giddings & Lewis, Forest-Liné, Liné Machines and Rouchaud, Fives is recognized as the preeminent provider of outstanding manufacturing solutions which are at the heart of its customers’ performance.

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