Wilmington, North Carolina 28405
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Wilmington, North Carolina 28405
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At Dustcontrol, we are not satisfied with just selling products. We manufacture and customize portable dust extractors and industrial extraction systems with very high levels of filtration to your requirements.
We offer a complete service package, including accessories and spare parts, so you can trust we will be there to assist you as you focus on your core business. Our main goals are to help you achieve an efficient production process, increase productivity, improve product quality and promote a safe working environment. The fact is that everything runs so much more smoothly when you avoid being stopped or disturbed by dust and other pollutants, not to mention the better air quality that is the result of professional dust extraction. In short, Dustcontrol supplies portable machines and stationary extraction systems to help companies all over the world to achieve better results.
Our product range consists of portable dust extractors for industrial and construction use, fixed extraction installations, discharge arrangements and accessories. Dustcontrol supplies a complete range of products and accessories for large and small companies in all types of industries. We also provide expert answers to the question: how can you capture and extract different kinds of particles and pollutants in the best possible way for your business?
- Distributors1Hastings Air Energy Control, Inc.
5555 S Westridge Drive
New Berlin, Wisconsin 53151-7900
United States